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Mission Haiti, Inc.

Serving God in Haiti since 1983

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations..." Matthew 28:19

Mission Haiti, Inc.
Mission Haiti, Inc. - OUR MISSION
Our Mission

Our organization exists for the purpose of sharing the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Mission Haiti, Inc. - GET INVOLVED
Get Involved

There are numerous ways you, your church, or business can get involved with Mission Haiti. We would love to hear from you. Give us a call, send us an email or send us a letter.

Mission Haiti, Inc. - DONATE

We appreciate any and all donations of any size to help us spread the Gospel to others around the world! Mission Haiti, Inc. is a 501 c3 nonprofit organization and all donations are tax deductible.

L'Eglise Dubisson Church Opens


What started as a dream in 2013 became a reality when the doors to the L’Eglise Dubisson Church in Cabaret were opened on October 8, 2017. The building of this church was a result of the prayers, financial giving and hard work of Christians in Haiti and throughout the United States.

The journey for this church began on a Sunday in 2013 when the Pastor shared his dream of purchasing a plot of land just down the road from the borrowed building his congregation was currently meeting in. The cost of the land was $5000 US and he asked anyone that would listen to pray and ask God to provide the money needed to purchase the land. The prayers went up and the blessings came down. It wasn’t long before the generosity of God’s people raised the $5000 US to be sent to Haiti. The plot of land was purchased and now it was time to pray that God would provide once again and take care of the cost of clearing the land and building the foundation.

 The cost for this phase of the building process was going to be $13,000 US. Once again God’s people went to the Lord in prayer and God answered in a mighty way. The money was raised and sent to Haiti and the clearing of the land was started.

Once the land was cleared and the site was prepared the foundation was dug and finished.

The most important part of the building process was now ready to begin. This time in addition to prayers there was planning to be done. This planning was going to require the knowledge and skills of seasoned contractors. The Bible tells us that we are to be good stewards of what God gives us. In order to be good stewards in the building of this church everything needed to be planned out to last detail, so men from mission groups in the United States, including men from Mission Haiti, as well as contractors from Haiti got together to work out the plans for this new church building. A detailed list of the materials needed for this church as well as the cost of the labor to build the church was put together and distributed. Individuals, churches and organizations could now see exactly how much money it was going to take to complete the church building project.

We were amazed and blessed to see how many people, churches, businesses and organizations gave to help reach the financial goal needed to build this church. Some local Haitian donated their labor at a reduced cost in order to help meet the financial goal and finish the church by the October 2017 deadline.



Anyone who has been to the Mission Center in Saintard has seen and most likely used the big green 1999 Ford F350 pickup truck that is there. This workhorse has been used for almost everything you can imagine. It has hauled people, supplies, food and everything else that you could put in it all over Haiti in support of the ministry that the Lord has called Miss Phyllis Newby to in Haiti. Unfortunately this 19 year old truck has come to the end of the road and needs to be replaced ASAP! The truck is not operational and at a minimum needs the following parts just to try and getting it running again;

Pump, Pump Pulley, Pump Pulley Bolts, Fan Clutch, Thermostat, new hoses, new gaskets and a new serpentine belt. There is no assurances that something else will not fail making the truck unsafe to drive. Mission Haiti is collecting money to purchase and ship a new truck to Haiti. Your tax deductible donation can be made here through our website of you may mail a check to one of our mailing addresses listed here. Please mark your check "TRUCK FUND" when paying by check. We estimate the cost of purchasing and shipping a truck to Haiti  along with customs import fees to be somewhere around $35,000.00 US. Please pray for this need and thank you for your donation.

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​Find us: 

Mission Haiti, Inc.

PO Box 96
Swannanoa, NC 28778

​Find us: 

Mission Haiti, Inc.

P.O. Box 6792

Spartanburg, S.C. 29304

Website Designed & Maintained by Cross Anchor Web Design, LLC

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